WooHoo! Finally managed to wrangle a VNC Viewer onto this thing, I'm psyched.
There's an app in the webstore for VNC to a remote server, but that's not really suited for logging in to another machine on the local network.
I've coaxed java to work locally, and am able to run a java vnc client applet.
Still can't get the java plugin to work in browser however.
Detailed directions to follow in a bit
Have you had any luck getting rdesktop to run? I'm going to try and put together a static binary and copy it over and see the results.
ReplyDeleteGetting X forwarding over SSH would solve a lot of this too, since you could rely on a full blown server to have all the binaries/libraries you need.
Michel, get rdesktop and follow the steps from here: www.duh.org/chromiumos/pkgs/